Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bird's eye view of Martin Luther's Castle Church

“What a moving experience!” was the response of most of the participants on the trip as we discussed what it was like to worship in the Castle Church in Wittenberg where Martin Luther is buried and statues of church scholars and doctors in the faith line the walls. It is like a Lutheran pilgrimage to holy ground. We shared Holy Communion, sang Easter hymns, and closed the service with A Mighty Fortress, of course!

It was chilly in the sanctuary, but the chills that ran up and down my spine were connected to the honor of being asked to preach in the nosebleed-high pulpit above Luther’s grave. Once I regained my balance from that height and was able to calculate somewhat the reverberation of my words, I began to be somewhat more comfortable. As a wandering preacher, I was a little concerned about taking a nose-dive off the pulpit and meeting Luther face-to-face.

The words from Luther’s favorite psalm, 118, and the verse, “I shall not die but live and proclaim the works of the Lord,” provided us a basis to share all we have learned, on this trip and in our lives, about God’s love for us and for humankind.

Showing the BOLD women of the ELCA stripes, staff members rounded out the service with the terrific cantoring of Deb Bogaert, a reading by Audrey Riley, and praying by Linda Post Bushkofsky. Those who attended were truly moved.

Ganz Gut Alle!


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