Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Test Your Knowledge

The participants of the Bold Women of the Reformation Tour took two quizzes to test their knowledge of bold women of faith. Would you like to try your hand at either or both?

Answers will be provided later, so stay tuned. The first person to blog back with the most correct answers for each quiz will receive a Lucinda pin.

Bold Women of the Reformation Quiz
1. Ignited by the fervor of the Reformation, this woman (also known as "the German Joan of Arc") helped organize peasants in their rebellion.
2. This woman fueled the business of selling indulgences, which caused Martin Luther and other activists to bring about the Protestant Reformation.
3. When someone called her a "disturber of the peace of the church," this woman of the Reformation said, "I have never mounted the pulpit, but I have done more than any minister in visiting those in misery. Is this disturbing the peace of the church?"
4. When this woman of the Reformation died, her husband said, "I shall not be long in joining her."
5. This bold woman of the Reformation is quoted as saying, "I'm distressed that our princes take the Word of God no more seriously than a cow does a game of chess."
6. As she was dying, this Reformation woman said that she wanted to "cling to Christ like a burr to a dress."
7. This Reformation woman wrote the hymn, "The Only Son from Heaven."
8. She was married to three different reformers during her life.
9. She sneaked Luther's works into her cloister.
10. She tried to convert all of Germany to Lutheranism.

Bold Women of the Bible Quiz
1. Who was the woman who said that she had seen God and lived?
2. Who were the two midwives credited with saving Moses' life?
3. Which widow went to live with her mother-in-law in her mother-in-law's land?
4. Who were the five young women who went to Moses to request that they inherit from their father?
5. Who is the former prostitute who appealed to Joshua to save herself and her family from death, and who then accepted the Jewish faith?
6. What are the names of the two queens who were the wives of King Ahasuerus?
7. Name the female judge mentioned in the Bible.
8. Name the mother of Samuel.
9. This woman was the first woman (other than Mary) to see Jesus as a baby and recognize him as the Messiah.
10. She is referred to as a deacon in the early church.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Loved the "bold women..." quiz but I have no idea for most of the answers!
I'm meeting with a women's society tomorrow morning and would like to share this with them...can you provide the answers to a "women of the reformation-deficient" pastor?

Anonymous said...

Would love the answers as our Thankoffering Sunday our women will the service (twice) since our pastor will be gone. We want to emphasis bold women and I feel this would be perfect to use as the sermon base. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks...Helen Riggs, Banning, CA